8:00 - 19:00

Mon - Fri



Best in Class


DWC – digitalworkflowcompliance
work with industry leading hardware providers to bundle devices that support the workflows that you are digitizing. Our goal is to offer a range of products, both in terms of capability and price.
• Mobile handsets
We offer a range of mobile handsets from consumer grade (with additional extras to support field working) devices from Samsung through to rugged devices from JCB. We can also act as your agent for sourcing devices of your choice.
• Tablets
We can provide consumer grade tablets but in this instance have opted to focus on rugged grade hardware from JCB. As with mobile handsets, DWC can act as your agent for sourcing devices of your choice.
• Accessories
All of our delivered devices can be supplied with the appropriate accessories, from docks (passive and active), to vehicle power and USB type cables.